Tangalle Schools for children with special needs

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

During the early years, working with different types of disability, Navajeevana realized the need for some form of education for children with disability. These children suffer from many forms of neglect- both within their families, in their homes, communities and their neighbourhoods as well as being excluded from mainstream education enjoyed by ‘normal’ children.

What began in 1990 as a group class under a mango tree in -------- has now grown to a network of special schools in four locations with a cadre of 18 trained, dedicated teachers. The larger number of students are slow learners, followed by hearing impaired, other disabilities and visually impaired.

The Special Education Section is headed by Christine de Alwis Edrisinghe, whose untiring efforts coupled with the dedicated service of Kusum Wanniarchchi, Unit Manager Special Education and the trained teachers have born fruit today. Commendable progress is shown by these schools in way of student admission and student progress. Many students have overcome what seemed earlier to be insurmountable obstacles in the form of various disabilities to receive admission to normal schools, sit for competitive examinations, enter vocational training institutes, find employment or begin some form of self-employment.

But even if not for such large and visible success, a majority of students (and their guardians) find a dramatic change in their lives after entering a special school. For one, the child develops ability to perform simple daily tasks independently. The schools gives more meaning and purpose to the child’s life, adding richness in the form of friends, activities and interaction to what was previously a dull and bare existence. Parents find there once disobedient and difficult children more manageable and even helpful around the house. They learn to communicate, love and accept each other through programmes designed to improve parent-child bonding.

Navajeevana teachers are regularly trained to assist the children and bring out the best in them. Two teachers have completed a diploma course in special education and another completing a diploma course in child psychology. Six teachers are specialized in attending to hearing impaired children. One teachers is trained in ear mould manufacture and at the Tangalle school, hearing aids are handed out to students and also other young patients referred by doctors from Tangalle hospital.

Story of Damith
Sole breadwinner


Religious activities
Cultural Activities
Annual sports day
Education outings
Dance/Music/ Painting/Crafts competitions and exhibitions


1. Tangalle
This is the biggest school, located for many years in Navajeevana’s original office premises on Deepankara Road, Tangalle. The school will soon move to its brand new home in the new building complex of Navajeevana headquarters.

Currently catering to 28 children with a cadre of --- teachers the school attracts students from as far away as Hakmana, Suriyawewa and Tissamaharamaya. The school conducts morning classes as well as afternoon support classes for those children who have entered mainstream education but need further coaching.

2. Raffaella Piva School, Walasgala
22 children use to attend classes in a small room in the home of a teacher until they received a beautiful new building with Italian funding. Two teachers conduct both morning and afternoon classes

3. Pududu School, Kolombegeara
For a satellite school in a neighbouring district, this school has performed extremely well due to the efforts of the teachers and parents of children. 33 children of varying ages and disability come here – some from very distant villages. Three children recently sat for their GCE O/L examination and five youth have entered vocational training college in Kalawana. Both morning and evening classes are conducted as well as a sewing enterprise for mothers and young girls.

4. Angunakola
A new building is under construction for Angunakola school which has 20 students and two teachers. All this time the school was conducted under difficult circumstances in a decrepit tin-roof building, with volunteer teachers. Today they are looking forward to a new school and the teachers have been formally employed as salaried staff.


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